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Maia Estianty Posts a Photo as a Magazine Model 16 Years Ago, Her Name on the Cover Makes People Focus on the Wrong Thing

Maia Estianty Posts a Photo as a Magazine Model 16 Years Ago, Her Name on the Cover Makes People Focus on the Wrong Thing Maia Estianty (credit: - Maia Estianty is known as a motherly figure. This is evident from the way she takes care of her three sons. Because of that, many people call her 'bunda' (mother).

This motherly nature has been shown by Maia since long ago. This can be seen from an old photo uploaded by Maia on her Instagram.

This photo quickly caught the attention of netizens!

1. Old Photo

The photo uploaded by Maia is a photo of herself as a cover model for Ayah Bunda magazine, which discusses parenting and children. In this photo, she is not alone but with her youngest son, Dul Jaelani.

"Oh my, I was so skinny back then. Oh, Dul Jaelani, I miss it so much. 16 years ago, in 2004," wrote Maia.

2. Name Maia

In that photo, Maia looks really beautiful. Yes, she is still beautiful until now. But there is one thing that makes many netizens laugh, which is that Maia's name on the cover is still written as Maia Dhani Achmad

Yes, in that year, Maia was still known as the wife of Ahmad Dhani, so it's understandable. Many netizens laughed about this.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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