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Atta Halilintar Wants Anang and Ashanty to Know He is Serious with Aurel Hermansyah

Atta Halilintar Wants Anang and Ashanty to Know He is Serious with Aurel Hermansyah Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar (credit: Herdianto) - Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar are currently very close, and both are ready to take their relationship to a more serious level. But they are reluctant to be called a couple, even though their relationship already shows two people who are in love.

Atta has also been seen several times participating in vlogs with Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty's family. Aurel is also often teased by her parents about Atta. In short, the Anang family already knows Atta.

Apparently, being close to Aurel's family is one form of Atta's seriousness. He explains this in his latest vlog with Aurel.

1. Atta's Seriousness

When asked if Atta is serious, the YouTuber known for his headband said he is. Atta also explained one form of his seriousness by getting close to Aurel's family.

"If I'm close to someone, I will really get to know their family, find out about their family. That's why I don't like it when I'm serious with a girl, but she doesn't introduce me to her family. I don't like that," he said.

2. Atta Wants Aurel's Parents to Know

Aurel immediately asked about Atta's statement. She asked if it's true that Atta used to be close to a girl who didn't want to introduce him to her family. Atta confirmed it. He had an experience of being close to a girl, but she didn't want Atta to get close to her family.

"I wasn't introduced to her family. I prefer, if I'm close to someone, I will find out about their family. Because I want her parents to know that I'm serious," he concluded.

3. Check it out!

Atta himself has indeed been seen familiar with Anang and Ashanty. Does this mean he has received their blessing? Well, hopefully it will continue to last for Atta and Aurel.

Check out the full video here!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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