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#StayAtHome, This is What Dude Harlino Does to Keep the Kids from Getting Bored

#StayAtHome, This is What Dude Harlino Does to Keep the Kids from Getting Bored Dude Harlino's Family. Credit: taken on 30/3/2020 at 16.25 - For about two weeks now, the Indonesian government has advised the entire population to stay at home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. There are many things that can be done at home to keep our bodies healthy, one of which is sunbathing in the morning sun. That is also what Dude Harlino's family does.

"Sunbathing is good for the immune system, especially for children. In the morning, around 9 to 9:30, for about 15-20 minutes. We also make time for small exercises like treadmill, jogging, swimming, and anything that can be done at home," said Dude Harlino when contacted by phone on Monday (30/3).

1. Accompanying Children to Learn Online

While at home, Dude Harlino and his wife Alyssa Soebandono routinely accompany their child, Muhammad Dirgantara Ariendra Harlino, in learning online.

"Because the child is also on holiday and the learning process still exists, so the school asks parents to teach at home. So my task and Icha's is to teach it, the material taught at school is taught at home. Alhamdulillah, at the beginning, the difficulties have been resolved, the teacher keeps monitoring. Every day, we record the learning process using videos and send them to the school. The school also monitors," said Dude Harlino.

2. Ways to Keep Children from Getting Bored at Home

Dude Harlino also mentioned that after two weeks of staying at home, his child started to feel bored. Therefore, Dude and Alyssa always provide various activities that can entertain their child.

"Yes, it's indeed boring, especially for children who say 'let's go out, what are we doing at home all the time?'. 'Why isn't big brother going to school? Because he's already in kindergarten'. We have explained. Then, to prevent the child from getting bored, we provide fun activities at home every day. Like sunbathing in the morning, doing exercises, swimming in the afternoon, and after Maghrib, let's draw. We invite the child to have fun," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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