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Horseback Riding on the Beach While Topless, Al Ghazali's Ripped Body Makes it Hard to Focus

Horseback Riding on the Beach While Topless, Al Ghazali's Ripped Body Makes it Hard to Focus Al Ghazali ©Instagram/alghazali7 - Al Ghazali uploaded a photo that made fans go crazy. The eldest son of Ahmad Dhani and Maia Estianty uploaded a portrait showing himself riding a horse on the beach.

"A story about a man on a horse's back," wrote Al Ghazali in the caption of the photo uploaded on Thursday (2/4/2020).


1. Showing Muscular Body

In the photo, Al is seen wearing pants only. He is topless and looking at the camera from atop his horse.

Fans are instead focused on Al's muscular body. Many of them praised how good and proportional the shape of Alyssa Daguise's boyfriend's body is.

2. Brandon Salim's Comment

The post was also commented by Brandon Salim. Brandon wrote a joking sentence for Al. He wrote that Al bought a horse because he felt bored during quarantine.

"Crazy, buying a horse because of boredom during quarantine," Brandon wrote, which was only responded with a laughing emoticon by Al.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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