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Brandon Salim Uploads Photo of Shampooing and Bare Chest, Netizens: So Cute

Brandon Salim Uploads Photo of Shampooing and Bare Chest, Netizens: So Cute Brandon Salim ©Instagram/brandonsalim - Brandon Salim made his fans go crazy with a post on his personal Instagram account. This is because Ferry Salim's son uploaded a photo of him shampooing while bare chested.

In the photo, Brandon's hair can still be seen covered in shampoo foam. He showed various poses that were considered very cute by most fans. In the caption of the post, Brandon only wrote a few emoticons.

1. Aaliyah Massaid's Comment

One of her fellow young celebrities, Aaliyah Massaid, was seen leaving a response in the comment section of the photo uploaded on Thursday (2/4/2020). Not only Aaliyah, Pandji Surya Sahetapy also wrote a comment on the post.

"Wow, what a concept," Aaliyah briefly wrote in the comment section of the post.

2. Netizen Comments

Brandon's post received various responses from netizens. Most of them found Brandon's pose in the post to be very funny and adorable. They also praised the young celebrity's handsomeness.

Brandon Salim's fame is now unquestionable. Apart from being the son of a famous actor in the country, Brandon himself has started to build his career as an actor in several feature films. The latest one, he appeared in the movie BEBAS which was released at the end of 2019.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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