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Baim Wong Becomes More Fond of Drinking Water After Undergoing the Challenge of Self-Isolation and Healthy Living

Baim Wong Becomes More Fond of Drinking Water After Undergoing the Challenge of Self-Isolation and Healthy Living Baim Wong © Herdianto - After following the Higienisme challenge for seven days, Baim Wong apparently feels that he has gained many positive benefits, especially in terms of cleanliness and tidiness at home. Initiated by Coway, a company engaged in water and air purification, the challenge undertaken by Baim is part of a campaign from the Higienisme movement designed to increase awareness among the Indonesian society.

The campaign also provides an understanding that there are many positive activities that can be done at home or in isolation to improve quality of life. Baim also said that after participating in the challenge, he became more concerned about the cleanliness of his home.

1. Initially Feels Forced

"At first, we felt like we were forced, but after doing it, it turns out that it's nice to have a house that is always neat and clean," said Baim in a virtual webinar for the Higienisme Campaign, Wednesday (7/4).

During the challenge, Paula Verhoeven's husband also regularly exercises and eats healthy. Therefore, Baim Wong also asked his fans to send photos while doing the same activities as him.

2. The Healthiest Drinking Water

"For me, the healthiest drink now is plain water. Until now, I am still exercising and, God willing, in three months, my abs will be six-pack," said Baim Wong.

In addition, on the same occasion, Coway has just launched its newest product called Neo Plus CHP-264L, the best water purifier with four times Reverse Osmosis (RO) Filter System filtration, which aims to provide clean, high-quality, and hygienic water for the needs of the Indonesian people. The water purifier has the most compact size, but still has all the important functions, namely providing three water temperatures according to needs, namely hot, cold, and normal.

3. New Challenge

"Coway sees the need to change the perception of tap water, especially in the Indonesian society. Coway, in this case, feels that this is an opportunity as well as a new challenge to break the existing stigma through Neo Plus CHP-264L," concluded Andy Kim, President Director of Coway Indonesia.

Maintaining health by drinking plenty of plain water like Baim Wong can be a good example. In addition, make sure to always #IngatPesanIbu (Remember Mother's Message). Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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