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Bastian Steel Reveals No Plans to Marry Sitha Marino in the Near Future

Bastian Steel Reveals No Plans to Marry Sitha Marino in the Near Future

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Bastian Steel Reveals No Plans to Marry Sitha Marino in the Near Future

Bastian Steel has no plans to marry his girlfriend, Sitha Marino, in the near future. Bastian admitted that it is still in the planning stage and he is not ready to take the step towards marriage this year. Read the full story below!

Bastian Steel Reveals No Plans to Marry Sitha Marino in the Near Future

"Not yet, not ready. Babas (Bastian's nickname) and Sitha are still in the planning stage, not this year," said Bastian when met in Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Monday (24/6/2024).

Bastian Steel Reveals No Plans to Marry Sitha Marino in the Near Future

Bastian added that his family and Sitha Marino's family already know each other and support their relationship. "Families already know each other," he said.


However, both families still give Bastian and Sitha the freedom to prepare everything well.

Bastian Steel Reveals No Plans to Marry Sitha Marino in the Near Future

"Mom, dad, and Sitha's family are relaxed, Sitha and I don't want to fail. So let's prepare everything first," he said.

Bastian Steel Reveals No Plans to Marry Sitha Marino in the Near Future

Bastian revealed that he and Sitha have prepared themselves to step into the marriage stage, starting from financial aspects to maturity in maintaining the relationship.


"Already planned. Yes, we must be able to handle the financial aspect, the relationship, and maturity, even how to maintain the relationship," he said.

Bastian Steel Reveals No Plans to Marry Sitha Marino in the Near Future

That's why, Bastian and Sitha do not want to rush into making this big decision. "We don't want to rush either. So we need your prayers to keep things smooth," he said.


Bastian and Sitha Marino do not have a specific target for marriage. For them, material and mental readiness are the top priorities.

Bastian Steel Reveals No Plans to Marry Sitha Marino in the Near Future

"There is no target. If we are ready, it's okay to get married quickly, but we are not ready yet in terms of material, maturity, and everything. When we are ready, then we can marry Sitha," he concluded.