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Pregnant with Third Child, Jessica Iskandar Separates Bed with Husband

Pregnant with Third Child, Jessica Iskandar Separates Bed with Husband Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag (© - Written by: Elmira Aubyn Azzahrina

The celebrity couple from Indonesia, Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag, are currently expecting their third child. They are undergoing a third pregnancy program through in vitro fertilization (IVF) so that their future baby can be born in the Year of the Dragon.

During her third pregnancy, Jedar feels more sensitive compared to her previous pregnancies. The 36-year-old woman admitted to having strange cravings, including sleeping separately from her husband. Let's find out more information below!

1. Admitting to Taking Many Rests

Jedar tells through a post on her Instagram account that this pregnancy has made her lazy to move. She also gives a reason why she is rarely active on her social media account.

“My husband feels like a boyfriend. This pregnancy makes me extremely lazy because of the severe nausea. The doctor advised me to rest a lot, which means resting, that's why I don't have time for taking photos, posting,” Jedar explained.

2. Craving for Separate Beds

It doesn't feel complete if a pregnant wife doesn't experience cravings. In fact, Jedar craves for something strange! Her husband, Vincent Verhaag, even became a victim of her feelings, dignity, and self-esteem.

Jedar revealed, “My husband has also become a victim of my pregnant mood swings. We even separated rooms, but because separating rooms was too extreme, we decided to just have separate beds. It's funny, we share a room but have two beds. Luckily, my husband is understanding. He understands that it makes me comfortable. I love my dear husband @v.andrianto ps: a photo of our separate beds will follow.”

3. Funny Reactions from Netizens

The story she shared in a photo post with her husband quickly caught the attention of netizens. Many also shared their own stories similar to Jedar's pregnancy story.

"Oh my God... I experienced early pregnancy hypersalivation sleeping with a plastic bag beside my head, smelling my husband's body made me nauseous but luckily I still had the strength to sleep in the same bed," wrote @anitano*****.

@milaka**** added, "Every time I was pregnant, it was like that... I didn't want to be close to my husband, the smell was annoying. If I felt nauseous and vomited, don't ask anymore. And my child is the 22nd girl."


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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