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Bringing Mother as a Witness in Divorce Trial, Nindy Ayunda Reveals Allegations of Domestic Violence

Bringing Mother as a Witness in Divorce Trial, Nindy Ayunda Reveals Allegations of Domestic Violence Nindy Ayunda: Akrom Sukarya - After previously filing for divorce from her husband, Askara Parasady Harsono in January 2021, shortly after her husband was arrested for drug abuse and possession of firearms. Nindy Ayunda also mentioned allegations of domestic violence during their marriage with Askara.


1. Presenting Key Witnesses in the Trial

The divorce trial of artist Nindy Ayunda and Askara Parasady Harsono is being held again in the South Jakarta Religious Court. In the trial that has entered the witness agenda, the mother of two children, Ratmulyati, is presented as a witness.

"There are three witnesses, Nindy's mother, household assistant, and driver," said Herman Simarmata, Nindy's legal representative at the South Jakarta Religious Court, Wednesday (7/4).

"Yes (as a witness)," said Ratmulyati, Nindy's mother.


2. Nindy Unable to Attend

In that session, Nindy did not attend the hearing. Her mother said that she is currently not feeling well and resting at home.

"She's sick, so she's just resting at home," explained Dicky Muhammad Kurniawan, Nindy's legal representative in the domestic violence case.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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