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Comedian Tarzan Confirms Rumors of Polo Srimulat's Death

Comedian Tarzan Confirms Rumors of Polo Srimulat's Death Late Polo & Tarzan - - Sad news comes from the Indonesian entertainment world. Comedian Polo Srimulat passed away at Anna Bekasi Hospital on Wednesday (6/3/2024). The news was delivered directly by Polo's friend, Tarzan.

Tarzan stated that his fellow Srimulat member had passed away about an hour ago. The sad news was just received by Tarzan from Polo's nephew through a phone call.

"It has been an hour, yes. But the body is still at RS Ana Medika Bekasi," said Tarzan when contacted by reporters on Wednesday (6/3/2024).

1. Cause of Death

There is no further explanation about the cause of Polo's death. Tarzan admitted that he did not know what illness Polo suffered from before passing away.

"I haven't been monitoring because I haven't seen him for several days. His nephew called me earlier," Tarzan said.

As additional information, in 2020 Polo underwent treatment for lung disease. At that time, his condition improved and he was able to resume activities.

2. Career in the Entertainment World

During his lifetime, besides joining Srimulat, Polo starred in several films, including CHASE YOUR DESTINY (2011) and MYSTERY SHOCK MARKET (2012).

This man who passed away at the age of 57 also appeared in soap operas, some of which are GARA-GARA (1996-1997), FATHER'S LEGACY WISH (2018), AND THE THIRD PERSON (2019).


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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