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Doctor & Dr. Oky Pratama Both Refuse to Visit Nikita Mirzani, Even Though They Used to Support Each Other

Doctor & Dr. Oky Pratama Both Refuse to Visit Nikita Mirzani, Even Though They Used to Support Each Other Instagram/louissescarlett/nikitamirzanimawardi_172 - After the status of Nikita Mirzani officially became a suspect and was arrested along with her assistant on Thursday, February 20, 2025, many people questioned the attitude of Doctor and Doctor Oky Pratama who were initially 'friends' and were known to have a close relationship with Nikita Mirzani. It turns out that both are reluctant to visit Nikita Mirzani after she was thrown into a detention cell.

The case began when Reza Gladys felt that her name and business products were defamed through a live broadcast by Nikita Mirzani. On December 3, 2024, beauty entrepreneur Reza Gladys reported Nikita Mirzani and her assistant, Mail Syahputra, to the Metro Jaya Police for alleged extortion, threats, and money laundering (TPPU). Reza claimed to have transferred a total of Rp 4 billion to Nikita in several stages, which was allegedly an effort to stop the negative actions.

1. Changes in Attitudes of Detective Doctor and Oky Pratama Regarding Nikita Mirzani

Detective Doctor (Doktif) and Dr. Oky Pratama, who initially supported Nikita Mirzani, have now turned away as if they do not want to know about the legal issues of the controversial artist. Both are currently avoiding interaction with Nikita Mirzani.

Even Dr. Oky Pratama, whose photos are often posted on social media with Nikita Mirzani, and who was seen visiting the police with Nikita, seems to be distancing himself. Previously, Nikita also posted a birthday photo of Doktif on her Instagram account, but that post is no longer there.

2. Doktif Honestly Does Not Want to Visit

Although both are avoiding the issues surrounding Nikita Mirzani, Dr. Oky Pratama and Detective Doctor have differing attitudes. Doktif openly shows reluctance to visit Nikita Mirzani in prison. She does not want to get more involved in the turmoil of the mother of three children and Dr. Reza Gladys.

"No, no (visiting)," said Doktif when met by media personnel at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters on Thursday (6/3/2025).

According to the woman whose real name is Samira Farahnaz, she is concerned that her comments or activities visiting Nikita Mirzani could be twisted and exploited by certain parties.

"I don't know, because you see, Doktif doesn’t want to, the opinion spins are extraordinary, so it's better for Doktif to keep silent," explained Doktif.

3. Different Attitude from Oky Pratama

Although both seem reluctant to visit Nikita Mirzani, who is currently in prison, Dr. Oky Pratama deliberately avoided questions about the intention to visit Nikita Mirzani. He appeared not to want to comment much, let alone get involved in any issues that the mother of Lolly is currently facing.

"No comment, I don’t like it. Why am I being interviewed if it’s not about achievements?" said Dr. Oky Pratama.

Oky Pratama also emphasized that he does not have any significant status related to Nikita Mirzani. Nevertheless, Dr. Oky Pratama continues to support Nikita to get through all of this.

"Keep your spirit up, you can definitely get through this. (Just give) prayers, since I’m nobody, just prayers," he concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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