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Dragged into Wawan Corruption Case, Irwansyah Admits Creating a Company Together and Getting Empty Shares

Dragged into Wawan Corruption Case, Irwansyah Admits Creating a Company Together and Getting Empty Shares Irwansyah © Akrom Sukarya - After skipping the court summons twice from the Corruption Court, finally Irwansyah came as a witness in the corruption case committed by Tubagus Chaeri Wardana alias Wawan. Previously, he couldn't come to court because he had just returned from abroad, specifically from the Netherlands.

When met by the media, Irwansyah explained the issue that made him a witness in Wawan's corruption case. It all started from his collaboration with Wawan to establish a company that was planned to be involved in the film industry.

Irwansyah knew Wawan through Rebecca Reijman's manager named Dita. From there, they often talked and because he knew that Wawan was a businessman, Irwansyah offered to work together.

"I want to make a film. Do you want to join? He said yes. But he invited me to create a company. 'Let's just create a company, Wan, separate from the company you already have.' So I created that company (PT Andhika Cipta Pratama)," said Irwansyah when met at the Corruption Court, Thursday, (28/5) last week.


1. Irwansyah Assigned in the Field

From that collaboration, Irwansyah and Wawan made a deal to run PT Andhika Cipta Pratama. Wawan as a commissioner and manager of the company and team, while Irwansyah is assigned to carry out production in the field.

"So Mr. Wawan and the others gave that money to PT. Andhika Cipta Pratama, from there we produced the film, paid the crew, and other expenses which already amounted to around 1 billion. And indeed, there is a remaining Rp 50 million for post-production. Well, that's before post-production, the case has been ongoing and we were intentionally stopped, and I was asked to hand over the remaining money to the KPK," he explained.

2. Empty Shares

From the initial agreement, it was revealed that Irwansyah received a 15 percent stake in the company. However, according to Zaskia Sungkar's husband, the shares he owns are actually empty.

"Yes, my shares are actually empty. Yes, as the initiator, as the worker in the field, I was given a 15 percent stake by Mr. Wawan," said the film star.

3. Irwansyah Loss

However, when asked if he felt like a victim, Irwansyah gave a vague answer. He himself is not sure whether he is a victim or not because their cooperation is still new.

"I don't know. Well, I've only been working here since May, the last month was August. So, I've only worked for 2 months. Thank God, my hard work hasn't been paid yet. As an artist, I haven't been paid there either. But there is already a case involving Mas Wawan and we have stopped. It's just not my luck," said Irwan.

"Yes, it's a loss of time, a loss of energy, I've worked for more than 2 months. I recruited a team, recruited the crew, the artists, it's the producer's job. So, I have experienced that. Because the film is not finished yet, it's not profitable, so I haven't benefited either," he added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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