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Entering the Hospital, Hadi Pranoto, the Inventor of Covid-19 Drug, Absent from Police Call

Entering the Hospital, Hadi Pranoto, the Inventor of Covid-19 Drug, Absent from Police Call Special - The suspect in the case of alleged false news regarding the Covid-19 drug, Hadi Pranoto, did not attend the summons from the Jakarta Metro Police due to illness. Hadi Pranoto was supposed to undergo questioning on Thursday (13/8/2020).

"The doctor said he needs rest, he is still with him at the hospital. He is still being treated, needs to be hospitalized," said Hadi Pranoto's lawyer, Angga Bursa Lesmana, when contacted on Thursday (13/8/2020).


1. Reluctant to Disclose the Illness

When asked about the illness suffered by Hadi Pranoto, Angga Bursa refused to disclose it. He only said that Hadi needs to undergo treatment to recover soon. "Just pray for a speedy recovery," he said.

As known, Hadi Pranoto and singer Erdian Aji Prihartanto or Anji were reported by the Chairman of Cyber Indonesia, Muannas Alaidid, for allegedly spreading false news about the content of Anji's interview with Hadi Pranoto on YouTube, some time ago.

2. Fulfill the Report

Anji, who is also the accused, has already fulfilled the summons from the Jakarta Metropolitan Police and undergone an examination.

Anji and Hadi Pranoto are charged with different articles. Hadi Pranoto is charged with Article 14 of Law Number 1 of 1946. Meanwhile, Anji is charged with Article 28 paragraph 1 of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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