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Ernest Prakasa Brings Agak Laen to the Big Screen, Conceptualized Like Warkop Films Without Sexy Jokes

Ernest Prakasa Brings Agak Laen to the Big Screen, Conceptualized Like Warkop Films Without Sexy Jokes Agak Laen (credit: Abbas Nugroho) - Agak Laen is a comedy quartet consisting of Bene Dion, Oki Rengga, Indra Jegel, and Boris Bokir. Starting with their appearance in podcasts, they are now preparing for a film titled AGAK LAEN.

AGAK LAEN is produced by Ernest Prakasa along with Dipa Andika. To be more accepted by the public, the concept is made like Warkop films.

"How do we treat this quartet so that they can enter the big screen, the reference taken is from Warkop. Their roles use their own names, but their characters are adjusted to the story," said Ernest, met in the Pejaten area, South Jakarta, on Friday (1/9/2023).

1. No Sensual Elements

Referring to Warkop films, the comedy tends to be sensual. However, this will not be applied to the film AGAK LAEN considering that times have changed.

"If asked whether there are sensual jokes? Because we live in a different era, we make sure that there are no such jokes," explained Ernest.

2. Using Various Types of Comedy

Muhadkly Acho as the director said that many comedy references will be offered in the film AGAK LAEN. One of them is slapstick humor, which uses physical activities to provoke laughter.

"The comedy includes slapstick. Any type of comedy, as long as it works, we will use it. We don't think about what type of comedy it is, but whether it suits the situation. Don't force it," Acho emphasized.

The shooting process for AGAK LAEN will begin in early September 2023. If there are no obstacles, the film will be ready to be released in theaters in February 2024.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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