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Sneak Peek of the 78th Anniversary Celebration of the Supreme Court, Launching of 5 New Applications and Screening of 'MEANINGFUL MESSAGE VOLUME III'

Sneak Peek of the 78th Anniversary Celebration of the Supreme Court, Launching of 5 New Applications and Screening of 'MEANINGFUL MESSAGE VOLUME III' Supreme Court Anniversary Celebration (c) special - Amidst the onslaught of the digital age like today, almost everything can be accessed online. Technological advancements not only have an impact on the entertainment of young people, such as the emergence of various social media platforms. But, they can also be utilized for the transparency of government institutions, including the judiciary.

In order to realize a transparent, honest, and highly-integrated judicial body, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia has launched 5 new innovative applications aimed at facilitating the public in obtaining information and services from the judiciary.

Not only that, the excitement of the Supreme Court Anniversary Celebration is also enlivened by the screening session of the short film MEANINGFUL MESSAGE VOLUME III, which is a collaboration between the Supreme Court, EMTEK, and SCTV. Let's take a look at its interesting highlights!

1. Realizing a Modern Technology-Based Judiciary

The launch of the 5 latest applications from the Supreme Court can be considered as a sign of the institution's commitment to realizing a technology-based modern judiciary. Judges and other judicial officials are required to be tech-savvy in order to carry out transparent, honest, and highly-integrity judicial functions.

Now, these five applications are present to facilitate the public in obtaining various information about the world of justice.

First, there is Smart Majelis, a robotics-based artificial intelligence application to automatically select a panel of judges based on their experience, competence, and workload. The application can also provide considerations for the types of cases being tried, so that the selected judges have expertise relevant to the types of cases being handled.

Then there is Court Live Streaming, which facilitates the public in witnessing the reading of cassation verdicts and reviews directly. Not only can it be accessed through the website, but you can also check it on your smartphone.

The third application is SATU JARI, an application in the General Directorate of General Judiciary with the function of monitoring integrated and real-time judicial performance. Here, users can analyze the performance of courts throughout Indonesia.

Moving on to the next application, there is Integrated Service version 2.0 or Lentera version 2.0. This application is responsible for managing the promotion and mutation processes of judges and technical staff in the general judiciary environment. So, it can improve transparency and accountability in the promotion and mutation processes that occur in the General Directorate of General Judiciary.

Finally, there is the Electronic Integrated Planning System (E-Iplans). This application is used to create budget planning, manage grants, and manage organizations that are carried out in a hierarchical manner from the first-level work unit, comparison level, level I echelon, and institutional level within the Supreme Court environment.

Supreme Court Anniversary Celebration (c) special

Not only launching the application, the celebration moment was also filled with appreciation for the work units in the Supreme Court who attended through the Supreme Court Award. The moment was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court for Judicial Affairs, the Leaders of the Supreme Court, Supreme Court Judges, Ad Hoc Judges, Acting Secretary of the Supreme Court, level 1 and 2 officials, and other invitees.

2. Screening Session of the Meaningful Message Volume III Film

This celebration event continued with an equally interesting entertainment session, namely the screening of the short film Meaningful Message Volume III. The final sequel of the Meaningful Message film, which was previously released in 2021 and 2022, aims to get closer to the community while embodying the spirit of a judiciary institution that upholds the values of honesty and integrity.

Meaningful Message Volume III once again presents Donny Alamsyah as Dimas, a judge who strives to maintain his honesty and integrity. However, conflicts arise when a woman named Keumala (Ully Triani) appears in Dimas' life and makes an unusual request to the court.

Keumala's presence also shakes Dimas and Dinda's marriage (Imelda Therinne), as the case handled by Dimas makes Dinda suspicious all the time. Who is Keumala actually? To satisfy your curiosity, just watch the movie on Vidio!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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