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KitKatĀ® Special Tourism Work of the Winner of the Breakreasi Design Challenge Vol. 2 #DiIndonesiaAja Launched, Let's Collect the Series!

KitKatĀ® Special Tourism Work of the Winner of the Breakreasi Design Challenge Vol. 2 #DiIndonesiaAja Launched, Let's Collect the Series! Credit: KitKatĀ® - There is always a way to support Indonesian tourism to progress and be known internationally. One of them is done by KitKatĀ®. To support the enthusiastic young generation in advancing Indonesian tourism, KitKatĀ® collaborates with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia under the co-branding umbrella 'Wonderful Indonesia'.

This collaboration is realized in the form of the KitKatĀ® Breakreasi campaign that started in 2022. What's cool is that the competition has successfully made a new breakthrough with 358 entries. This KitKatĀ® Breakreasi Design Challenge competition also serves as a platform to invite young people to create and drive the creative economy, especially in the field of design!

1. KitKatĀ® Breakreasi Design Challenge Vol. 2 #DiIndonesiaAja

Receiving positive responses, this KitKatĀ® Breakreasi Design Challenge has become an annual event held to support Indonesian tourism and provide a platform for young people to showcase their creativity! This year's theme is in line with the focus of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, which is #DiIndonesiaAja.

What makes it even more exciting is that the categories and themes of the competition have become more diverse. There are 2 categories, Individual and Team, as well as 3 main themes to choose from, including Village Tourism, Traditional Events, and Traveling Activities, which pose challenges for participants to express their creative ideas.

Just to let you know, this competition has been running since February 2023 and surprisingly received twice as many entries as the previous year. From hundreds of submissions, the participants' works went through a rigorous selection process. All works were selected by professional illustrators, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, and of course, the KitKatĀ® team themselves. The final result is 6 best packaging designs that will make you crave a break #DiIndonesiaAja.

The winners were directly appreciated by the Minister of Tourism and the officials of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, as well as Nestle, on August 7, 2023, in Jakarta.

The winning works are expected to inspire young Indonesians and both local and international tourists to choose vacation destinations and take a break #DiIndonesiaAja. With the spirit of #DiIndonesiaAja, the winning works are expected to introduce the diversity of Indonesian culture and uniqueness to inspire young people in choosing a break #DiIndonesiaAja.

There are many hidden paradises to be discovered, from the beauty of village tourism, the cultural richness of traditional events, delicious cuisine, to Instagrammable spots that can only be found #DiIndonesiaAja. Discover holiday destination inspiration from the KitKatĀ® Special Break #DiIndonesiaAja packaging on the Instagram account @kitkat_id.

2. Six Special KitKatĀ® Tourism Packaging, Travel Inspiration #DiIndonesiaAja

Furthermore, the launch of the KitKatĀ® Special Tourism Packaging is a continuation of KitKatĀ®'s support for Indonesian tourism and encourages young people to continue creating and choosing holiday destinations #DiIndonesiaAja.The six tourist destinations featured in the KitKatĀ® Special Tourism Packaging are:

  1. Travel Activity: The Charm of Sharks in Taka Bonerate National Park, South Sulawesi
  2. Village Tourism: Bawomataluo, Nias, North Sumatra
  3. Traditional Event: Gandrung Sewu Dance, Banyuwangi, East Java
  4. Village Tourism: Minang Nagari Sumpu Village, West Sumatra
  5. Traditional Event: Grebeg Ceremony, Yogyakarta
  6. Travel Activity: Kasunanan Surakarta Palace, Central Java
So, for those of you who want to heal and go on vacation with friends, the various designs in the KitKatĀ® Special Tourism Packaging can be a source of inspiration for a moment of healing by visiting some of the best destinations #DiIndonesiaAja.

So, not only can KitKatĀ® be enjoyed as a snack in the midst of busyness or traveling, the KitKatĀ® Special Tourism Packaging will also provide new ideas for choosing a #DiIndonesiaAja break.In addition, the limited edition collection of KitKatĀ® special tourism packaging will be launched starting from August 15, 2023, as long as supplies last. Hurry up and collect all the series before they run out!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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