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Fairuz A Rafiq Allows Sonny Septian to Become a Playboy

Fairuz A Rafiq Allows Sonny Septian to Become a Playboy Fairuz A Rafiq doesn't mind her husband becoming a playboy (Credit: - Actor Sonny Septian tries his luck in the world of comedy. Fairuz A Rafiq's husband is currently involved in a comedy sketch program called Pesbukers.

As an actor who ventures into the comedy world, Sonny certainly has to make some adjustments. The 40-year-old man admitted that he often asks questions to senior comedians who are also involved in the show.

"Every time I'm on location, I always ask the senior comedians who have experience," said Sonny at the Pesbukers launching event in Kota Tua, Central Jakarta, on Sunday (10/12/2023).

Sonny's decision to venture into the comedy world apparently received positive response from his wife. Sonny said that Fairuz has allowed him to delve into the role of a playboy in order to be more flexible in the program.

1. Banyak Belajar

"Fairuz said, 'Basically, you have to be funny and learn a lot,' she said, just be natural, don't be too rigid, 'since your role is a playboy, just be a playboy,' I was allowed, 'willing, dear?,' 'willing,' she said," Sonny said.

Sonny admitted that at first, he was too focused on reading the script, until he received advice to be more relaxed and natural in comedy in the program.

"Mas Eko Patrio said, 'Son, you don't have to be too focused on the script, just be spontaneous and talk a lot,'" Sonny revealed.

In this learning process, he also received guidance from Kimau who provided important advice about the essence of comedy. For him, this is an interesting new experience as a comedian.

2. Airing Again

"Sama Kimau also likes to be told the main point is comedy like this, if the bullets run out, the important thing is to ask or become a bait, this is a new experience for me playing as a comedian," he said.

Pesbukers was previously filled by a series of top stars and comedians of the country, such as the late Olga Syahputra, Raffi Ahmad, Opie Kumis, and Ayu Ting Ting. Sonny tries to give his best in the program.

"If we can only say that we will give the best and maybe give the best that hopefully you will also fall in love with all of us," he concluded.

The Pesbukers program will start airing on December 13 at 6:30 PM. Along with Sonny Septian, this program also features many famous names such as Ummi Quary, Vior, Desy Ngapak, Kimau, Kata Baba, Anwar, Ncess Nabati, and Inyonk.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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