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Fuji Ridiculed the Maghrib Aura, Marion Jola Fails to Understand and Gives Defense: Isn't Maghrib Beautiful?

Fuji Ridiculed the Maghrib Aura, Marion Jola Fails to Understand and Gives Defense: Isn't Maghrib Beautiful? Marion Jola Defends Fuji Regarding the Maghrib Aura (Credit: Youtube/Azka Corbuzier/Instagram/fuji_an) - Fuji has become one of the rising young celebrities. Amidst his popularity, he often receives ridicule from netizens. One of the hot topics of discussion is the 'maghrib aura'.

This incident apparently prompted Marion Jola to react. When appearing as a guest on the Youtube program Azka Corbuzier, the Indonesian Idol singer defended Fuji. Marion Jola mentioned that Maghrib is synonymous with various beautiful things.

So, what was the moment when Marion Jola defended Fuji who was ridiculed for the maghrib aura? Let's find out more information below.

1. Fuji Ridiculed for Dusk Aura

As one of the rising young celebrities, Fuji often receives praise as well as ridicule from netizens. One of them is Fuji's dusk aura. The dusk aura itself is often interpreted as something negative. Marion Jola openly describes the meaning of the term as disgusting.

"Like when I saw someone like Kak Fuji yesterday, people say it's a dusk aura, the disgusting term of today" said Marion Jola.

2. Marion Jola Fails to Understand

About the ridicule faced by Fuji, the beautiful singer Marion Jola also spoke up. She seemed to fail to understand the term. Through the Youtube program Azka Corbuzier, Marion Jola redirected the conversation to be more positive.

3. Marion Jola: Magrib Bukannya Cakep, Ya?

With a casual yet firm tone, Marion Jola states that magrib is a beautiful moment. This statement can be seen as an invitation to not use the term negatively.

"Which is for me funny. Magrib is not beautiful, right? Right? Magrib is beautiful with the sunset" Marion Jola continued.

4. Having a Mature Attitude and Perspective

Marion Jola demonstrates a mature attitude and perspective in responding to the criticism. Instead of turning a blind eye to the phenomenon, she shows courage in expressing her opinion. According to her, magrib is actually related to various beautiful things.

5. Give Defense

Momen Marion Jola gives a defense to Fuji which went viral because it was reposted by various accounts on social media. She stated that Maghrib is a time full of beauty and should not be used to mock others. This defense received a lot of positive responses from netizens who agree with this point of view.

6. Related to Prayer Time

Marion also added that Maghrib is one of the prayer times in Islam. As a follower of the Christian religion, she shows her knowledge and appreciation in interpreting time in Islam.

"Maghrib, if it's for Muslims, it's the time for prayer and breaking the fast, right? It's really beautiful. So why suddenly does it mean dark, dirty? Just because of the comments from netizens," Marion Jola added.

7. Praised by Netizens

Netizens praise Marion Jola for her knowledge about the time of Maghrib prayer, praying, and breaking the fast. Because of this, many netizens praise the understanding of the 24-year-old singer. To some extent, many netizens believe that their minds are more open with such a positive understanding from Marion Jola.

Now, KLovers, that's Marion Jola's moment of defending Fuji who was mocked for her Maghrib aura.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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