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Gisel and Tyas Mirasih Respond to East Java Police's Summons as Witnesses in the Case of Credit Card Fraud by Fake Travel Agents

Gisel and Tyas Mirasih Respond to East Java Police's Summons as Witnesses in the Case of Credit Card Fraud by Fake Travel Agents Gisella Anastasia - Tyas Mirasih © - Today, Friday (6/3) Gisella Anastasia and Tyas Mirasih responded to the summons from East Java Regional Police as witnesses in the carding or credit card fraud case by one of the fake travel agents.

As known, Gisel and Tyas had received endorsements from the travel agent in exchange for posting about them on their Instagram feed and receiving free international flight tickets.

When contacted by phone, Gisel explained the chronology of how she got involved in this case. The mother of one claimed that she had no idea that this business was illegal and against the law.

"At that time, I forgot where I was going. Normally, we wouldn't think that there was anything strange going on. We thought this person wanted to start a small travel business, not scamming people. Since there was no established company yet, we thought we could help because they were just starting out, and I was also happy, why not," said Gisel when contacted by phone.


1. Tyas Mirasih Doesn't Know She Could Be Involved in Credit Card Fraud Case

Just like Gisel, Tyas Mirasih also had no idea that she was being endorsed by an illegal travel agent. There's no black and white evidence, just by exchanging posts on Instagram, they could get free plane tickets.

Toddy Lagabuna, Tyas Mirasih's legal team, stated that the artist had no knowledge of it until she got involved. When contacted by phone, Toddy didn't say much.

"Oh, she didn't know she would get involved. We'll listen to her examination first. After it's examined, then we'll explain," said Toddy when contacted by phone on Friday (6/3).

2. Work Schedule Disturbed

Furthermore, Toddy also revealed that with this case and having to respond to the summons from East Java Police, some of Tyas Mirasih's schedules were disrupted. However, she still has to cooperate so that this case can be resolved quickly.

"Oh, it definitely disturbs her schedule. But as a good citizen, if you're summoned, you have to come," said Toddy.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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