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Here are 11 Portraits of Susi, Steno Ricardo's Wife and Former Baby Sitter of Mawar AFI's Children Who Appeared Plain Without Make Up and Caught the Attention of Netizens

Here are 11 Portraits of Susi, Steno Ricardo's Wife and Former Baby Sitter of Mawar AFI's Children Who Appeared Plain Without Make Up and Caught the Attention of Netizens

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Here are 11 Portraits of Susi, Steno Ricardo's Wife and Former Baby Sitter of Mawar AFI's Children Who Appeared Plain Without Make Up and Caught the Attention of Netizens

Written by: Anjumiz Zuhuri Kholiq

Susi, who used to be the baby sitter of Mawar AFI's children, is now married to the former husband of an AFI contestant, which immediately caused a stir among netizens. The curiosity of netizens was satisfied, as portraits of Susi, Steno Ricardo's new wife, without make up, drew attention to her belly during the wedding ceremony. Curious? Let's take a look at Susi's portraits below!


Susi, the former baby sitter who was called a home-wrecker in Mawar AFI and Steno Ricardo's marriage, caught the attention of netizens.


On Monday, February 21, 2022, Susi and Steno Ricardo tied the knot. One of the make-up artists also uploaded a photo of their wedding.

Here are 11 Portraits of Susi, Steno Ricardo's Wife and Former Baby Sitter of Mawar AFI's Children Who Appeared Plain Without Make Up and Caught the Attention of Netizens

In addition, netizens pointed out that portraits of Steno Ricardo and Susi after the wedding ceremony were misunderstood due to Susi's large or protruding belly.

Here are 11 Portraits of Susi, Steno Ricardo's Wife and Former Baby Sitter of Mawar AFI's Children Who Appeared Plain Without Make Up and Caught the Attention of Netizens

Everyone knows that Steno Ricardo and Mawar AFI divorced on January 11, 2022. One month later, Steno married Susi.


In some of the MUA's Instagram posts, many netizens are asking for a plain photo of Susi to be posted because many people are curious about her real face.

Here are 11 Portraits of Susi, Steno Ricardo's Wife and Former Baby Sitter of Mawar AFI's Children Who Appeared Plain Without Make Up and Caught the Attention of Netizens

In addition, netizens compare Susi's appearance to Mawar AFI's, who is often praised as a sexy mother of three.


In addition, many people were surprised to learn that Susi was only 19 years old at the time.


Mawar AFI announced on Instagram that she entrusted the father of her children to Susi, whom she calls Teteh Usi.


Mawar wrote, "I entrust the father of my children to Teteh Usi, may their household be a door of blessings for their future lives"


Some photos of Susi have been widely circulated and attracted the attention of netizens.


Steno Ricardo wrote a clarification denying the rumor of Santer's affair with Susi, the babysitter of his children.