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Impressive, These 8 Beautiful Celebrities Still Shop at Traditional Markets - Washing Clothes Themselves Even Though They Have Many Domestic Helpers

Impressive, These 8 Beautiful Celebrities Still Shop at Traditional Markets - Washing Clothes Themselves Even Though They Have Many Domestic Helpers

Celebrity Activities

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Impressive, These 8 Beautiful Celebrities Still Shop at Traditional Markets - Washing Clothes Themselves Even Though They Have Many Domestic Helpers

Having a luxurious life is something normal for a celebrity. With their popularity and wealth, they can easily get anything they want.

However, it doesn't mean that these beautiful celebrities don't want to do everyday activities like a typical housewife. Like shopping at the market, cleaning the house, or doing laundry, KLovers.

Impressive, These 8 Beautiful Celebrities Still Shop at Traditional Markets - Washing Clothes Themselves Even Though They Have Many Domestic Helpers

Since deciding to live in Bali and mostly living as a wife and mother, going to traditional markets has become a common activity for Happy Salma.


Sophia Latjuba is not ashamed to come directly to the traditional market and shop, even though she is already a famous artist.

Impressive, These 8 Beautiful Celebrities Still Shop at Traditional Markets - Washing Clothes Themselves Even Though They Have Many Domestic Helpers

If Inul Daratista is known to have a hobby of cooking. Inul doesn't mind cooking her own food even though she's tired after work.


After a long vacation around the world, it seems that Nagita Slavina has to do some household activities herself. One of them is doing laundry.


Ussy Sulistyawati also seems to be very familiar with the market. She doesn't mind shopping for her family's needs in a shopping area that sells groceries.


In the midst of the convenience offered by cleaning services, Uut Permatasari is willing to clean the bathroom at her husband's residence while he is on duty. Anything is done for the sake of health.


In the midst of the convenience offered by cleaning services, Uut Permatasari is willing to clean the bathroom at her husband's residence while he is on duty. Anything is done for the sake of health.


Sarwendah is known to enjoy doing household chores herself. This includes manually washing clothes by hand. For her, as long as she can do it herself, why bother others. How can you not be impressed by this?Â