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Joke Turns into Disaster, Bedu Reveals the Chronology of Almost Dying Because of Deni Cagur

Joke Turns into Disaster, Bedu Reveals the Chronology of Almost Dying Because of Deni Cagur Denny Cagur & Bedu © Herdianto/Muhammad Akrom Sukarya - As a comedian, joking around with friends is normal. That's what Bedu Tohar, also known as Bedu, did.

When he was still part of the Cagur group, Bedu often joked around with his friends, Narji and Deni Cagur. However, there was one moment where their joke went too far.

In fact, that incident almost cost Bedu his life. At that time, the three members of Cagur were in a car. Then, there was a moment that made them laugh out loud.

"Yeah, that's just me joking around with my Cagur friends. We always joke around, that's what friends do," said Bedu in Tendean, South Jakarta, on Monday (28/7/2021).

1. Difficult to Breathe Due to Choking on a Coin

Whether intentional or not, while laughing out loud, Deni Cagur suddenly threw a coin into Bedu's mouth. After the coin was thrown into Bedu's mouth, the 41-year-old comedian suddenly choked and had difficulty breathing.

"At that time, Deni, there was something funny in the car and he laughed. Deni playfully threw a coin (into the mouth), and he really couldn't breathe, it went into his throat. Well, Deni also panicked," said Bedu.

Seeing Bedu choking on the coin, Deni Cagur panicked. Deni Cagur tried to remove the coin from Bedu's mouth by any means necessary. After being hit from behind, finally the coin that was inside Bedu's mouth came out.

For Bedu, that became Cagur's joke that he remembers the most until now. Because the joke made by Deni Cagur almost took his life.

"Finally, Deni slapped (hit) my back, and (the coin) came out, around 500. I was angry, but well, it's called a joke. But the joke almost took my life. If it had really happened, Bedu wouldn't have a name in the entertainment world," said Bedu while laughing.

2. Angry to the Point of Not Greeting Each Other

Because of that, Bedu was furious with Denny Cagur. He was so upset that he didn't want to greet Denny Cagur at all.

In fact, he also mentioned that their friends' jokes in the past were really extreme when it came to joking around. The coin tragedy was not the only joke that went too far.

"I forgot how long we didn't greet each other, maybe just a short time. But I'm annoyed seeing Denny, he's also like that," he said.

"Yeah, he's really mischievous. When we were in college, he was once tied to an electric pole, his clothes were taken off and he was watched by people passing by. So when it's our birthday, we don't like going to campus, the jokes are wild. Denny panicked and almost killed his friend. But it turns out it was planned by Denny," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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