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Rejecting a Film Offer to Play a Transgender Character, Onadio Leonardo: Even Though I Am a Transgender, Right?

Rejecting a Film Offer to Play a Transgender Character, Onadio Leonardo: Even Though I Am a Transgender, Right? Onadio Leonardo © Kafril - Former vocalist of the band Killing Me Inside, Onadio Leonardo, or more familiarly known as Onad, finally gets to experience something new in acting. After rejecting offers to play various transgender characters, this time Onad has the opportunity to portray a psychopath.

When met in the Ciledug area, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (27/7), Onad admitted that he was very happy about it. However, when playing the role of a psychopath, this 34-year-old man encountered difficulties in memorizing the film's script.

"I'm really happy because most of the offers I rejected were to play transgender characters. Isn't it tiring, even though I am a transgender, just kidding! I'm really happy because my life path has changed, being a musician didn't work out, turns out my fortune is in film," said Onadio Leonardo.

"Yes, because the script is 8 to 9 pages long, but luckily I was given some ease. Okay, in the end, I just pushed myself to be myself, what matters is giving my all," he continued.

1. Learn Many New Things

Although initially not liking it, Onad now admits to enjoying his new job as an actor. He said he learned many new things while being involved in the acting world.

"Actually, I didn't like being an actor because I had to leave early and come home late, but eventually I enjoyed it because I started to enjoy being smart, I started to like reading, I started to respect the director, cameramen, and the crew. I really enjoy acting in films now," he said.

As known, Onad himself just started his career as an actor in 2019 with the film Pretty Boys, which he starred in alongside Vincent Rompies and Desta Mahendra.

2. Challenging Shoot

In addition, in the new film he starred in, Onad also talked about the most extreme scene. He had to remove his co-star's underwear and was required not to get an erection during the scene.

"I had to see Anggika's underwear because I undressed her and I had to not get an erection and I had to be someone else. Just for the first time," he explained.

In its production, Onad admitted that it was very tight in terms of time because it had to be finished in nine days. However, he expressed satisfaction with the final result of his new film.

"Yes, we finished it in nine days because of the pandemic, the time was a bit limited, but I am very satisfied," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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