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Just Waking Up, Thalia Onsu Clings to Koko Betrand Peto

Just Waking Up, Thalia Onsu Clings to Koko Betrand Peto Betrand Peto and Thalia (credit: - The family of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah is now even more beautiful with the presence of their children. In addition to having two cute girls, Ruben and Wendah also have Betrand Peto who is very close to their family.

Betrand is very fond of his two younger siblings, Thalia and Thania. Their togetherness is often shared on Instagram, making netizens adore them. Thalia also considers Betrand as her own brother and calls him Koko.

1. Thalia Clings

The cuteness of Betrand and his younger sister was shared by Ruben on social media on Monday morning (29/6/2020). In the photo, Thalia can be seen clinging to Betrand's back while he is still lying in bed.

It seems like they just woke up. Betrand still looks sleepy but it doesn't matter even though Thalia is on his back. So sweet!

2. Making Cute

Netizens are known to be fond of the close bond between Betrand and Thalia. They also hope that both of them always stay healthy and cute like this.

Who is a big fan of the Ruben Onsu family? Do you like seeing the interaction between Betrand and Thalia?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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