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Kartika Putri Speaks Up Why She Still Reports Dr. Richard Lee to the Police - Has Strong Evidence!

Kartika Putri Speaks Up Why She Still Reports Dr. Richard Lee to the Police - Has Strong Evidence! Kartika Putri © - The problem of Kartika Putri with a beauty doctor who is also a content creator named Richard Lee is getting hotter. They didn't stop at just reporting each other to the police, but also throwing shade at each other on social media.

After only speaking through Instagram Story for a long time, Kartika finally spoke to the media. She explained why she still reported Richard even after the man apologized.

1. Can't Deny

"Yes, he did apologize, I can't deny that. But you can see for yourself whether his apology was sincere or if he turned it into content, which then became a subject of bullying and mockery. This is how the legal process works, when someone is wrong, they apologize and when they apologize, they are obliged to stop the actions demanded by the victim," said Kartika, interviewed in the Kapten Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Thursday evening (25/2/2021).

2. Leading Negative Opinions

After apologizing, Kartika Putri is disappointed that Dr. Richard Lee is still leading negative opinions about her. Therefore, she bravely made a report represented by someone else.

"If he has apologized, he should stop making Instagram Stories about me, making posts about me. That's what goodwill is. Why did I report it? Because after apologizing, he bullied me again, slandered me again, and led negative opinions again," explained the wife of Habib Usman Bin Yahya.

3. Feeling No Goodwill

What further confuses Kartika Putri is that even after Dr. Richard Lee underwent questioning at the Metro Jaya Police Station some time ago, he did not stop speaking ill of her. It is not surprising that Kartika continues this case until justice is found.

"And even after the report has been submitted to the police, he has been questioned, he still posts about me on his feed. That means I see that there is no goodwill from this party. That's why I continue this matter," Kartika emphasized.

4. Have Strong Evidence

The problem between Kartika Putri and doctor Richard Lee began when the man made a post urging public figures not to promote beauty products containing hydroquinone without caution. Kartika became furious when Richard mentioned her name even though he was not acknowledged by the man himself.

"My friends are surely smart. He said he never mentioned me or denied it, but it's okay. I have the video evidence. If someone says they didn't mention a name, but mentions 'Mbak Karput artis' in the caption, posts it on the feed, tags my name, then just think logically," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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