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Lyla Becomes the First Band to Join Showbizdeal

Lyla Becomes the First Band to Join Showbizdeal Lyla © Instagram/lylaindonesia - Lyla Band is the first band to be registered in Showbizdeal, a new marketplace that aims to connect artists with service users. So far, the growth of the marketplace in Indonesia has been very rapid, but there has been no facilitation for the showbiz world.

In collaboration with PT. Connexist Indonesia, Showbizdeal released its application today, August 8th. Showbizdeal promises several benefits such as ease of transactions, security, and the ability to reach all markets from all corners of Indonesia and the world.

"Entertainment practitioners can get bigger profits. There is a win-win solution. Lyla becomes the first band to be registered in Showbiz Deal," said Rizka Ayu Silvia, CEO of Showbizdeal on Sunday (8/8).

1. Lyla Band

Not only connecting the community with artists, Showbizdeal also makes it easy for the public to contact other artists such as magicians, clowns, influencers, and so on.

"Alhamdulillah today we can introduce Showbizdeal. Showbiz entertainment marketplace in Indonesia, facilitating all digital access. The first marketplace in Indonesia in the entertainment field. Entertainment in Indonesia is huge but there is no specific digital platform for entertainment, singers, celebgrams, and others that can be reached by the public," continued Rizka.

2. Online Performance

Showbizdeal also has special features for artists to hold online performances. This is to overcome the ban on holding performances during this pandemic.

In this feature, viewers can show appreciation to performers by contributing. So that performers can also earn income from their performances and interactions with fans online.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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