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Marthino Lio Stars in Religious Horror 'DOSA MUSYRIK', Director and Story Becomes the Reason to Get Involved

Marthino Lio Stars in Religious Horror 'DOSA MUSYRIK', Director and Story Becomes the Reason to Get Involved Marthino Lio stars in the latest horror film © Prayoga - MVP Pictures production house has just started the filming process for their latest film in Yogyakarta. This time it is titled DOSA MUSYRIK directed by Hadrah Daeng Ratu, with a religious horror genre.

The main actor in the film DOSA MUSYRIK is Marthino Lio. The award-winning actor expressed his enthusiasm for being involved in this title, as the film is not only scary but also has strong dramatic elements.

"I was interested in being involved in DOSA MUSYRIK because of the story presented in this film. Although it is in the horror genre, it has strong dramatic elements," said Marthino as quoted from a text message received by on Monday (26/2/2024).

1. Combo Story and Director

In addition to the story, the presence of Hadrah Daeng Ratu is another reason why Marthino Lio wants to be involved in DOSA MUSYRIK. According to him, those are two reasons that cannot be refused by any actor.

"Besides the story, Hadrah's presence as a director is also a pulling factor for me. I believe this combination will create a special experience for Indonesian film audiences," added Delia Husein's husband.

2. Provide Different Treatment

Hadrah Daeng Ratu himself promises to provide a different treatment for the film DOSA MUSYRIK. Because he always wants to bring innovation to every released work.

"In every film I direct, I strive to provide a different treatment. In my latest project, I am determined to present a different audiovisual experience from previous films," said Hadrah firmly.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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