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Melly Goeslaw and Anto Hoed Finally Visit Baby Ukkasya, Already Tested Swab Without Being Asked by Zaskia Sungkar

Melly Goeslaw and Anto Hoed Finally Visit Baby Ukkasya, Already Tested Swab Without Being Asked by Zaskia Sungkar Melly Goeslaw and Anto Hoed © Santoso - The presence of Baby Ukkasya not only brings happiness to Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah but also to other celebrities. Several celebrities seem excited to meet the little one who has been awaited for 11 years by the couple.

Starting from Nagita Slavina to Shireen Sungkar, everyone is happy. Melly Goeslaw and Anto Hoed don't want to miss out either. Yes, they finally visited baby Ukkasya. This was known from Zaskia's Instagram post on Tuesday (27/4).

1. Finally Visited

"Alhamdulillah finally Ukkasya was visited by umi @melly_goeslaw @antohhoed and beautiful nena @vennamelindareal," wrote the woman born on December 22, 1990.

What's interesting is that Melly, Anto, and Venna Melinda took the initiative to do a swab test before going to Zaskia's house.

2. Already Swab Test

"Before coming here, everyone has to do a swab test without me asking, even sending videos and results," Zaskia continued.

She also admitted that since becoming a mother, she has become more anxious. Zaskia is happy when her guests are so concerned about her worries.

3. Now More Anxious

"After becoming a mother, from being quite carefree, I really feel anxious, especially in the current situation. I'm really happy when I receive guests who are understanding and caring," she concluded.

The Covid-19 virus is still lurking for anyone, KLovers. Therefore, make sure to always #RememberMother'sMessage. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Stay healthy, KLovers!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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