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Misha Chandrawinata Stars in Original Series 'DILEMA', Acting Against Estelle Linden

Misha Chandrawinata Stars in Original Series 'DILEMA', Acting Against Estelle Linden Misha Chandrawinata Stars in Original Series 'DILEMA' (Credit: - Continuing to be productive and consistent in producing interesting works, Sinemart has released another original series. This time, the series is titled DILEMA. The Vidio Original Series was just released with three episodes at once on Tuesday, June 21, 2022.

The story is about the turmoil and twists and turns of family and first love. There is Mischa Chandrawinata who acts alongside the beautiful actress Estelle Linden. The Dilema Original Series is directed by Rachmania Arunita and produced by Lili Sunawati.

The Vidio Original Series DILEMA tells the story of Anya, who works as a psychologist in her father's psychology firm in France. They then decide to return to Indonesia.




1. Meeting an Old Love

This decision then brings Anya back to meet her old love, Bima. Unfortunately, Bima turns out to be married to Lena. Not as she imagined, Bima has become Lena's responsibility.

Shortly after, Anya threatens Bima's marriage to Lena. Anya's return prompts Bima to end his marriage with Lena. Bima's wish is finally fulfilled.


2. Starring Famous Actors

His new marriage with Anya turned out to be not as beautiful as he imagined. Once again, Bima's different economic background from Anya became the trigger of conflicts between them. Anya helped Bima to work overseas.

Like falling down and then being hit by stairs, Bima had to face the authorities because of his illegal status as an immigrant. So, who will help Bima rise again? Is it Anya or Lena?

DILEMA Series is also supported by other local actors such as Mathias Muchus, Karina Suwandi, Mang Osa, and Nunu Datau. For those of you who are curious about the complete story, you can download the Vidio application so you don't miss the latest notifications. For now, you can watch the Vidio Original Series DILEMA that is already available on the Vidio application.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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