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Never Met in Person, Rizky Febian Says Putri Delina and Jeffry Reksa are Compatible

Never Met in Person, Rizky Febian Says Putri Delina and Jeffry Reksa are Compatible Kapanlagi/Bayu Herdianto - In recent days, there have been rumors that Putri Delina is getting close to a TikTok celebrity named Jeffry Reksa. They clarified that they have just met and gotten close for content purposes.

Although they are only friends, Rizky Febian, as Putri's brother, gave positive signals. He said that his sister is compatible with a guy who resembles South Korean actor Ji Chang Wook.

"I haven't met Jeff yet but I've already commented. Aa Rizky just said they are compatible," said Putri Delina when met in Kapten Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Monday (3/8/2020).

1. Nervous Meeting Sule

Although he has not met Rizky Febian yet, Jeffry Reksa has already met Sule when he became a guest star on the Santuy Malam show. While blushing, Jeffry admitted that he was nervous when facing the comedian.

"At first, I was nervous to meet a big comedian, a legend, but it's okay," said the guy who has one million followers on Tik Tok.

2. Equally Shy

Furthermore, Putri Delina and Jeffry Reksa mentioned their first impressions after meeting. And it turns out they have something in common, which is being shy.

"(Jeffry) is just like Putri, also shy. I thought Putri and I would be quiet together, but it turns out not, she tries to initiate. She is kind, humble," said Putri.

Jeffry replied, "Equally shy, she is humble. For a big comedian's child, she is very friendly," he added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Get Blessing! These 7 Warm Moments of Celebrities Bringing Special Friends to Family, Dinner - Vacation Together