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Nikita Mirzani Detained, Lolly Sends a Stamped Letter to the Police to Save Her Mother

Nikita Mirzani Detained, Lolly Sends a Stamped Letter to the Police to Save Her Mother Lolly became a guarantor and submitted a request to the Metro Jaya Police. ( - Laura Meizani Mawardi, also known as Lolly, submitted an official request to the Metro Jaya Police for her mother, Nikita Mirzani, not to be detained. This request was made in the form of a stamped letter that was later uploaded to Nikita's Instagram account on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. In the letter, Lolly emphasized that Nikita is the sole breadwinner for her family.

The case began when Nikita Mirzani was named a suspect in an alleged blackmail against a skincare entrepreneur named Reza Gladys. A report against Nikita was filed on December 3, 2024, and after a series of examinations, she was officially detained along with her assistant, Mail Syahputra (IM), on March 4, 2025.

Not wanting her mother to languish behind bars, Lolly submitted a request to the Director of Cyber Crime at the Metro Jaya Police. She even expressed her willingness to be a guarantor for her mother with several promises, including ensuring that Nikita Mirzani would not flee or destroy evidence.

1. Lolly Submits a Request for Detention Suspension

Lolly wrote a letter requesting a suspension of detention on February 27, 2025, a few days after Nikita Mirzani was named a suspect. She officially sent the letter to the Metro Jaya Police and hopes that the police will grant her request.

The letter was then uploaded to Nikita Mirzani's Instagram account on March 4, 2025, a few hours after her mother was officially detained. This post received a lot of attention from netizens, with thousands of comments supporting Lolly's request.

2. Reasons Lolly Requests That Nikita Not Be Detained

In her letter, Lolly emphasized that her mother is a single parent who is the backbone of the family. She explained that she and her two younger siblings still depend on their mother's income, as they are not yet able to earn a living on their own.

Lolly hopes that the police will consider this situation before making further decisions. She stressed that Nikita's detention would have a significant impact on her family's life, especially for her two younger siblings who are still small.

3. Lolly Ready to Be a Guarantor and Make an Appointment with the Police

Not only requesting leniency for her mother, Lolly also expressed her readiness to be a guarantor. In her letter, she promised that Nikita Mirzani would not flee, would not destroy evidence, and would always be cooperative in undergoing the legal process.

Lolly also promised that her mother would comply with all the rules set by the police. She hopes that with this guarantee, the authorities can reconsider the decision to detain Nikita Mirzani.

4. Handwritten Letter with Stamp, Proof of Lolly's Seriousness

The application letter submitted by Lolly is handwritten and stamped as proof of her seriousness. She submitted this letter with high hopes that her mother could remain outside detention during the legal process.

In the letter, Lolly uses touching and emotional language. She emphasizes that this request comes from the depths of her heart for the sake of her family's interests.

5. Police Continue Detention Despite Request

Although Lolly has submitted a request and guaranteed her mother, the police continue to detain Nikita Mirzani. The Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi, stated that the decision to detain was made after considering various pieces of evidence and witness statements.

Nikita Mirzani is detained along with her assistant, Mail Syahputra (IM), at the Metro Jaya Police for the next 20 days. The police are also continuing to develop this case, including the possibility of other parties being involved.

What do KLOvers think about this? Come on, write in the comments section! If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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