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Official Withdrawal of Report, Inara Rusli & Virgoun Officially Separate: Thank You Very Much Daddy for the Children

Official Withdrawal of Report, Inara Rusli & Virgoun Officially Separate: Thank You Very Much Daddy for the Children Snapshot of Inara & Virgoun During a Meeting Regarding Their Civil Case [Photo Credit:] - Written by Devie Vyatri Permata Cahyadi

The dispute between Inara Rusli and Virgoun has not reached a final conclusion. Recently, Inara Rusli had a meeting with her ex-husband, Virgoun, to discuss the civil case in their marital issues. It can be seen from her social media post that Inara Rusli, Virgoun, and their two children along with their respective legal teams have reached an agreement to reconcile, on Sunday (19/5/2024).

After officially divorcing at the end of last year, the case of Inara Rusli and Virgoun has entered a new phase. They both want to reconcile for the sake of their children's future, so Inara Rusli and Virgoun officially withdrew their claims against each other. Inara Rusli revealed that the cheating drama and her divorce with Virgoun were exhausting. Therefore, both Inara and Virgoun have agreed to resolve their relationship amicably.

Let's find out more!

1. Inara Rusli and Virgoun Jointly Withdraw Their Reports at the Police

Through her lawyer, Ahmad Ramzy, it is known that Inara Rusli has withdrawn her claim regarding the alleged adultery committed by Virgoun when he was still her husband. "Today I went to the Metro Police to the Subdit Renakta to withdraw the police report made by sister Inara," said Ahmad Ramzy, Inara Rusli's lawyer when met at the Metro Police Headquarters, Monday (20/5/2024).

Not only Inara, Virgoun also withdrew his report regarding the illegal access to personal data distributed by his ex-wife. "There is no agreement, just stating that they mutually withdraw. There is nothing else, without coercion, pressure, or any conditions," said Ahmad Ramzy.

2. Reconciliation for the Sake of the Child

Having 3 children from her marriage with Virgoun, Inara Rusli revealed that she is currently working hard for the sake of her children. This difficult decision is not easy, considering that Inara and Virgoun's three children are still underage.

“They agreed to reconcile for the sake of their children's future. In the future, they can educate their children to be good kids,” said Ahmad Ramzy, Inara Rusli's lawyer.

3. Both Want to Move On

After going through a long divorce drama, Inara Rusli and Virgoun will end it all. "We actually both want to move on, both want to quickly resolve the problem because it's not good to prolong it, and we want to focus on our own affairs,” said Inara Rusli when met by the media some time ago.

The same goes for Virgoun, the singer of Surat Cinta Untuk Starla has to fulfill his responsibilities as the head of the household. It is known that Virgoun is obliged to provide for his children and there are no restrictions on meeting them.

Firmly separating, Inara Rusli seemed gracefully letting go of Virgoun. "Thank you very much to the father of the children, for all the kindness and life lessons that have been given. May this life lesson serve as a reminder for you.. to never betray Allah with anything. May Allah enable us to be trustworthy parents. Although our paths are now different, may Allah forgive us and guide us on His path of mercy. Ameen Yaa Mujiib," wrote Inara Rusli on her Instagram page, Monday (20/5/2024).


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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