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Passing Away, This is How Dorce Gamalama is Seen in the Eyes of His Sibling

Passing Away, This is How Dorce Gamalama is Seen in the Eyes of His Sibling Instagram - Presenter Dorce Gamalama passed away after receiving treatment at Pertamina Central Hospital (RSPP) in Jakarta on Wednesday (16/2/2022). The departure of the 58-year-old presenter has left her family and friends feeling lost, including Elita, Dorce's older sister.

What makes Elita feel the loss of Dorce is that she never met her younger sister again after the first time she entered the hospital. It is known that Dorce had received treatment at the hospital after being diagnosed with diabetes.


1. Insya Allah Ikhlas

"I never met her again since she first entered the hospital, it has been several months," said Elita at TPU Bantar Jati, East Jakarta, Wednesday (16/2/2022).

"When she felt sick, mom said that it was Allah's will for her to return, Insya Allah mom is sincere, since she was sick with diabetes," added Elita.

2. Want to Meet Her Sister

Actually, Elita herself admitted that she really wanted to meet her sister when undergoing treatment at the hospital. Unfortunately, because Dorce was in a coma, and the hospital also did not allow many people to visit, Elita could not meet her beloved sister.

"Cannot be visited, but the hospital rules do not allow visits, only one person," she said.

3. Never Complained

As an older sister, Elita knew Dorce Gamalama's character during his lifetime. She said that her sister was a cheerful person and never complained.

"Cheerful, likes to joke, and even when she was sick, she didn't feel the pain alone. She didn't want to bother her siblings. Until finally, when she got sick with complications, we didn't know," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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