Know the song Ku Lakukan Semua Untukmu? The song was very popular at the time and sung as a duet by Nadila and Fatur. Speaking of Nadila, she is now even more beautiful in hijab. For those who want to know her news, let's see her current appearance!
How are Indonesian Celebrities
Know the song Ku Lakukan Semua Untukmu? The song was very popular at the time and sung as a duet by Nadila and Fatur. Speaking of Nadila, she is now even more beautiful in hijab. For those who want to know her news, let's see her current appearance!
This is Nadila, who is now 42 years old. The woman named Laela Rachmawati is still energetic and definitely beautiful.
Nadila is now busy as a housewife. However, she is still active in the music world.
Nadila is also still active with her duet partner, Fatur. They are still often invited to sing together. They are both legendary.
Nadila's appearance is still as cool as this. Who wants to imitate her hijab style? Her poses are also very model-like, right?
Nadila also admitted that she is now trying to keep up with the times, especially during the pandemic. Although she used to admit being clueless about technology, she now has her own YouTube channel.
Nadila is often mistaken for being married to Fatur, but she's not. Nadila said that she and Fatur have clarified this, but no one believes it. She herself already has a son named Rafie.
Nadila is a person who keeps her personal life very private. When interviewed, she tries as much as possible to only talk about her career (by the way, the child in this photo is not hers)
Nadila is with her beloved niece, who is very close to her.
Nadila recently decided to wear a hijab around 2019. Who here misses her presence?
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