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Portrait of Maia Estianty Receiving a Birthday Surprise from Al El Dul, Also Attended by Two Future Sons-in-Law

Portrait of Maia Estianty Receiving a Birthday Surprise from Al El Dul, Also Attended by Two Future Sons-in-Law

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Portrait of Maia Estianty Receiving a Birthday Surprise from Al El Dul, Also Attended by Two Future Sons-in-Law

Maia Estianty turns 49 on January 27, 2025. On this happy occasion, Maia received a birthday surprise from her three handsome sons, Al Ghazali, El Rumi, and Dul Jaelani. KLovers, let's take a look at this happy moment through this photo news!


Al, El, and Dul surprised their mother with a birthday cake and a bouquet of flowers.


Al Ghazali expressed that Maia loves him unconditionally. "I love you, mom," Al Ghazali wrote in the caption of his post.


Maia Estianty is now 49 years old and will soon be entering her half-century mark. Despite this, Maia is said to be very beautifully youthful.


The moment was also attended by Irwan Mussry, Harjono Sigit (Maia's father), and two of Maia's future daughters-in-law, Tissa Biani and Syifa Hadju.


Tissa Biani & Syifa Hadju looked very united in various moments, including during the birthday of their future mother-in-law.


Alyssa Daguise, Al Ghazali's fiancée, had to miss Maia's birthday moment because she was in the Holy Land for Umrah.


Previously, Alyssa & Maia had met in a gathering that was also attended by Alyssa's parents. The meeting discussed the wedding plans of Al & Alyssa.