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Putri Semata Wayang Birthday, Nikita Mirzani Gives Anti-Mainstream Prayer

Putri Semata Wayang Birthday, Nikita Mirzani Gives Anti-Mainstream Prayer Nikita Mirzani © Santoso - Nikita Mirzani, the daughter of her first husband, is now 13 years old on Thursday (28/5). Laura Meizani Nasseru Asry has grown up to be a beautiful girl like her mother.

On this special day, Nikita Mirzani prays for her only daughter through an Instagram post. Accompanied by a picture of young Laura posing on the beach, this woman born on March 17, 1986, offers her prayer.

"Happy birthday, big sister Laura. Mimi's only daughter. Mimi doesn't have many prayers. Hopefully, Lolly becomes a proud child. Love to her siblings & family," Nikita Mirzani's prayer quoted from the Instagram account nikitamirzanimawardi_17.

1. Anti-Mainstream Prayer

Although it starts with normal greetings and wishes, Niki's prayer for Laura is quite unique and intriguing. Niki mentions that her child's soulmate doesn't need to be wealthy but capable of giving billions of rupiah for shopping.

"Have many properties in Indonesia. Hopefully, Lolly will find a responsible man. No need to be rich. But if Lolly wants to spend billions, it's okay, dear," she continued.

2. Learning From Experience

It seems that the prayer given by Niki to her child is her own experience in terms of romance. This single parent woman teaches her daughter to be a strong and independent person, not relying on men.

"But get used to not asking, like me, buy everything yourself. But if given, just take it. You have to be a dignified and good woman. That's enough of my prayer. Love you, sis," concluded Niki.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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