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Ramadan Program Content, Ruben Onsu Will Change Sleep Time

Ramadan Program Content, Ruben Onsu Will Change Sleep Time Ruben Onsu (credit: Alfi Rosyadi) - Pesbukers became one of the top shows on television in 2011. Many top Indonesian artists have been part of the show. Starting from Raffi Ahmad, Ruben Onsu, Olga Syahputra, Opie Kumis, Jessika Iskandar, Ayu Ting Ting, and many more.

Now, Pesbukers is back in this year's Ramadan. Former Pesbukers Ramadan and Pesbukers Ramadan stars, such as Raffi Ahmad and Ruben Onsu, are confirmed to appear on the show again. Of course, this is a remedy for longing for the players and also the audience at home.



1. Give Something Different

Ruben Onsu is so enthusiastic about the presence of Pesbukers Ramadhan on ANTV. This father of three children said that Pesbukers Ramadhan will give something different and special from previous years.

"Every year, Pesbukers always gives something special, every year always gives something different. Hopefully this year Pesbukers can entertain viewers with a different color and a different concept. Not only many team players work hard behind the scenes," said Ruben Onsu at ANTV Studio, Tuesday (6/4/2021).



2. Becoming the Most Sought-After Entertainment

Pesbukers Ramadhan has become one of the most sought-after shows during the fasting month.

"During Ramadan, Pesbukers is already synonymous. So it's certain that if it's not there, people will ask where Pesbukers is. Pesbukers always gives something special, something different," he said.

Ruben Onsu has prepared various things before appearing on Pesbukers Ramadhan, one of which is changing his sleep pattern.

"Because I'm busier than usual, I increase my rest time from now on so that there is no jet lag in the early hours, because it's an adjustment of sleep time. That's why I'm taking evening events from now on, I'm changing my sleep schedule now," said Ruben.



3. Hard Work to Entertain the Audience

Because we are still in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic, the Pesbukers cast has to work hard to entertain the audience at home. Indeed, performing without the presence of the audience is not an easy task.

"Especially in this pandemic era, creating a concept is not easy. Especially when we bring people without an audience, it's difficult. But I believe there are great people behind it," Ruben concluded.

Several top artists in the country will participate in the Pesbukers Ramadhan and Sahurnya Pesbukers events. They are Ruben Onsu, Eko Patrko, Kiki Saputri, Rizky Billar (Sahurnya Pesbukers), Harris Vriza (Pesbukers Ramadhan), Vicky Prasetyo, and many others.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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