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For Years Portraying Love in 'SAMUDRA CINTA', Haico Van der Veken Reveals the Most Difficult Scene

For Years Portraying Love in 'SAMUDRA CINTA', Haico Van der Veken Reveals the Most Difficult Scene Haico Van der Veken (Credit: - The soap opera SAMUDRA CINTA is getting more and more exciting. The story gets more complicated and various tests keep coming to Sam and Cinta, making this soap opera more loved by the audience. Moreover, Haico Van der Veken always performs excellently and beautifully in her acting.

What may not be widely known is that this 19-year-old woman also has quite a few scenes. She revealed it herself in the Youtube channel
Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV) on Monday (29/3).

1. Emotional Scene

According to Haico, a casual intimate scene with Azof is not difficult. What is difficult is when she has to perform emotional scenes.

"Actually, the scenes that are difficult for us are the emotional ones like crying scenes, problem scenes, revelations, and so on," explained Haico.

2. Difficult to Focus

Haico herself admits that shooting almost every day sometimes makes it difficult for her to focus.

"There are moments where it's difficult to delve into the character because we strip every day, sometimes we get a lot of scenes and we get tired, it's hard to focus. There are definitely moments like that," she added.

3. Currently Taking a Break

Fatigue may no longer be felt by Haico at the moment. This is because she is currently taking a break after undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) surgery. This was revealed through Haico's Instagram story on Monday (5/4) yesterday.

"I just had ACL surgery (if you don't understand, ask Google) so I can't shoot for now, but you guys stay motivated and watch together until I come back," wrote the 19-year-old woman.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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