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Inviting the Young Generation to Care for the Environment, Ramon Y Tungka Reveals the Positive Impact of the Candi Darling From Home Program

Inviting the Young Generation to Care for the Environment, Ramon Y Tungka Reveals the Positive Impact of the Candi Darling From Home Program Ramon Y Tungka (credit; Personal Documentation) - Being a host in the Candi Darling From Home program, which also invites the younger generation to care for the environment, such as by greening 3 Candi in Yogyakarta, Ramon Y Tungka, an actor and environmental activist, expressed his happiness for being able to contribute even if only a little.

In addition, Ramon Y Tungka also shared the positive impact of the Candi Darling From Home program. Yes, according to Ramon, the program is very interesting because it can invite the younger generation to care for the environment and also gain historical insights through the Candi.

"It's interesting, because we invite the younger generation to care for the environment. Actually, everyone has a responsibility towards the environment. However, many young people do not understand the importance of caring for the environment. But through the Candi Darling From Home program, we invite the younger generation to understand the history of our nation. I often pass through the Sleman area and its surroundings, but when visiting the Candi directly, we get to know it more deeply. The same goes for participating in the planting program yesterday," said Ramon Y Tungka.

1. 2 New Perspective Temples

Furthermore, the 3 temples that will be built for greening are Sambi Sari Temple, Banunibo Temple, and Barong Temple. Among these 3 temples, there are 2 temples that, according to him, have a new perspective.

"Actually, Sambi Sari and Banyunibo give a cool impression to me. In these two temples, I gained a new perspective. In the sense that these two temples have different characteristics, one is a Hindu temple and one is a Buddhist temple. But interestingly, the distance between them is not far. This means that in the past, Indonesia already implemented religious harmony." said Ramon.

2. Invite the Young Generation

Ramon also shared how to invite the younger generation to care about the environment. According to Ramon, this invitation is actually simple and sets a good example.

"Actually, it's simple. The simplest thing is to set a good example. We make it a new way of life that habits like giving a challenge to not use single-use plastic bottles and replace them with tumblers. Or using public transport. That's one simple example that can be seen every day. I believe that small changes made continuously will become a significant change when done continuously. Good energy will definitely spread, we must apply a wise lifestyle." said Ramon.

3. Feeling Restless

Furthermore, with the changes in the environment then and now, Ramon feels restless because the once green and lush forest has become functionally transformed. In response to this changing environment, Ramon prepares a platform for his friends who care about the environment.

"Clearly, why did the once green forest become functionally transformed? This makes me restless. Actually, the steps we can take are in our daily lifestyle. I believe small energy can become big. In response to this restlessness, I prepare small platforms to strengthen the sincerity of friends who care about the environment. Or educate about the causes and effects. The important thing is to consistently make small changes," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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