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Reported Convert, 7 Portraits of Celine Evangelista in Hijab and Veil that are Even More Beautiful

Reported Convert, 7 Portraits of Celine Evangelista in Hijab and Veil that are Even More Beautiful


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Reported Convert, 7 Portraits of Celine Evangelista in Hijab and Veil that are Even More Beautiful

Celine Evangelista shares her portrait again in hijab. This time she also wears a veil that catches attention. Netizens call her even more beautiful and pray for her conversion. Check out the portraits below!


Celine once again amazes netizens by wearing a hijab.


This time she adds a veil to her appearance. In her post, she also mentions the name of Indri Giana, the wife of Ustaz Riza Muhammad.


Many netizens pray for Celine to convert to Islam soon.


Previously, Celine was highlighted because she met ustaz Riza several times and attended religious studies.


However, at that time Celine was still a Catholic. But she has a Muslim family, including her mother.

Reported Convert, 7 Portraits of Celine Evangelista in Hijab and Veil that are Even More Beautiful

Celine is said to look more beautiful when she appears in covered clothes.

Reported Convert, 7 Portraits of Celine Evangelista in Hijab and Veil that are Even More Beautiful

That's the portrait when Celine wears a hijab and niqab. What do you think, KLovers?