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Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's Household Reportedly in Trouble, This is What the Legal Counsel Says

Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's Household Reportedly in Trouble, This is What the Legal Counsel Says Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's household in trouble © Herdianto - The household of presenter Ruben Onsu is reportedly in trouble after his wife, Sarwendah, admitted that they are no longer living together. In relation to this, Ruben Onsu, through his lawyer, Minola Sebayang, is currently discussing with Sarwendah's legal counsel.

"These past few days, I have been in intense communication with Sarwendah's legal counsel. We are discussing matters related to the continuation of their household," said Minola at his office in Kuningan, South Jakarta, (24/5/2024).

Minola indirectly admitted that there are indeed problems in his client's household with Sarwendah. Unfortunately, he did not explain in detail what issues they are facing.

"No household is without problems. Everyone surely has issues. Sarwendah's body language also shows it," said Minola Sebayang.

1. Next Week's Decision

Minola said that next week there will be a decision regarding the household between Ruben and Sarwendah, whether they will reconcile or end in divorce.

"Next week there might be one thing that can be produced from the discussions we are having about the continuation of the household," said Minola Sebayang.

2. Pray for the Best

Therefore, Minola as the legal representative prays for the best for the continuation of Ruben and Sarwendah's household fate after the meeting next week.

"We hope this process can be done well," concluded Minola Sebayang.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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