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Sleeping While Pouting, Kiano Tiger Wong's Face, Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven's Child, Makes You Giddy!

Sleeping While Pouting, Kiano Tiger Wong's Face, Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven's Child, Makes You Giddy! Kiano - Baim Wong - Paula Verhoeven. Credit: via taken on 29/4/2020 at 17.25 - The married life of Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven is now more colorful with the presence of their son, Kiano Tiger Wong.

Through social media, Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven often share adorable moments of their baby who is only a few months old.

1. Sleeping While Pouting

Most recently, on Tuesday (28/4) yesterday, Baim Wong uploaded a photo of Baby Kiano sleeping. Interestingly, the little baby was sleeping while pouting!

2. After Crying

It turns out the photo was taken after Baby Kiano cried before finally falling asleep. What's cute is that the baby still seems annoyed even though already fast asleep.

"The story is, Kiano just finished crying. Then immediately told to sleep. When he's already asleep, his face still looks annoyed. Who does he look like with that pout?" wrote Baim.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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