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Staying at Home During the Pandemic, Dian Sastrowardoyo Decides to Reunite with Her Band from Middle School

Staying at Home During the Pandemic, Dian Sastrowardoyo Decides to Reunite with Her Band from Middle School Dian Sastrowardoyo @ - In accordance with the government's advice to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, everyone is expected to stay at home. Among many artists, Dian Sastrowardoyo is one of the most active in promoting the #dirumahaja campaign.

To avoid getting bored at home, Dian Sastrowardoyo has been engaging in various activities. One of her new positive routines is virtual jamming with her bandmates from middle school.

Yup, she mentioned this directly during an online interview with the YouTube channel Travel Secrets. "In the second week, so that I won't get bored, I jam virtually with my friends, like Yura, Nikita. I also reunited with my band gang from middle school, all on Zoom. And I sing," she said.

1. Virtual Reunion

Sure enough, after further investigation, it turns out that Dian Sastrowardoyo really did have a virtual reunion through the Zoom application with her bandmates named Nuansa Band. Found on her Instagram account, this band has actually been formed since 1996, when Dian was only 14 years old.

Dian, who serves as the vocalist, is supported by 4 male friends from her middle school days. Among them are Ihsan Siregar, Dudi Prastowo, Wisnu Dewobroto, and Pugar Restu Julian.

2. Already Covered 2 Songs on YouTube

Committed to reuniting with Nuansa Band, Dian and her friends have also created a YouTube channel. As of today, Thursday (7/5), they have uploaded 2 cover videos there.

Starting from the song La La Means I Love You (Swing Out Sister) to Ironic popularized by Alanis Morissette. Will they really make a comeback and revive their old band after the pandemic ends? Let's wait and see! ;)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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