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Still Traumatized by the Impact of the Prostitution Case, Hana Hanifah Meets Caezarro Rey Abishur

Still Traumatized by the Impact of the Prostitution Case, Hana Hanifah Meets Caezarro Rey Abishur Hana Hanifah (credit: Personal Documentation) - The online prostitution case involving Hana Hanifah has been going on for a long time. However, the Selebgram still feels traumatized by the incident.

"I still feel sad, afraid of being seen negatively, because people don't know, that's the burden. I also feel sorry for my family, especially my mom, it will become a burden on her mind," said Hana Hanifah, not long ago.

1. Introduced to Caezarro Rey Abishur

From that incident, Hana admitted to developing a phobia towards men, especially those with bad intentions.

Fortunately, she was introduced to Caezarro Rey Abishur (Rheo), one of the experts, trainers, and creators of the Tension Releasing Technique (TRT).

"After meeting Rheo and undergoing therapy, it didn't take 60 minutes. I felt relieved, as if the burden inside me disappeared," said Hana.

2. Admiring

Hana also admitted to being amazed by the method used by Rheo. "Even though it's just taking a breath and exhaling, that's it. But the results are truly extraordinary," said Hana.

Rheo's name has recently become the talk of the town after successfully helping many people eliminate phobias and trauma in less than 60 minutes.

3. Phobia Expert

Rheo even claims to be the only expert capable of permanently and briefly eliminating phobia suffering.

In addition to Hana Hanifah, Rheo has also handled many celebrities in the entertainment world of the homeland, such as Oncy Ungu, Ismi Melinda, Gendis Dewanti, Elza Augustine, Sarwana Thamrin, and many more.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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