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Story of Convert Alice Norin, Often Praying but Also Going to Church

Story of Convert Alice Norin, Often Praying but Also Going to Church Instagram @alicenorin - Alice Norin talks about her experience of changing religions. Now a Muslim, she admitted feeling insecure when she first embraced Islam.

The actress of the film Ketika Cinta Bertasbih officially converted to Islam in 2007. Her decision to become a convert came purely from herself, through the guidance she received.

Previously, Alice practiced two religions in her life. Her mother was a Muslim, while her father was a Christian.

"Well, basically, during school, I felt that suddenly when I prayed, my grades were good. But if I didn't pray, they weren't good. Isn't it just a suggestion? Well, people receive guidance differently," she said as quoted by Oki Setiana Dewi's YouTube channel.



1. Praying in Indonesian

Before understanding the correct way of praying, Alice also mentioned that she often prays in Indonesian. She even goes to church even though she has already prayed.

“We all learn. Yes, we go to church, eh we celebrate Christmas, and we celebrate Eid first. Before becoming a Muslim. My mother is Muslim and my father is Christian. So we both follow both religions. Well, anyway, I feel like I receive more blessings when I pray. I don't know if it's suggestion or something, so yeah. Not long after getting married, my first husband was also a Muslim, so yeah,” she continued.

2. Offered a Film Role

Not long after officially becoming a Muslim, she was immediately offered a role in the movie Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (When Love Glorifies God). At that time, Alice felt inferior when she saw other actors who were more religious, like Oki Setiana Dewi & Andi Arsyil Rahman.

“During the audition, there was recitation and all sorts of things, so I was nervous, Ki. I mean, the others must be much better. So I felt inferior there,” she concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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