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Super Busy During Ramadan, Meisya Siregar Didn't Have Time to Be Intimate with Her Husband

Super Busy During Ramadan, Meisya Siregar Didn't Have Time to Be Intimate with Her Husband Meisya Siregar's Family © - The month of Ramadan brings blessings to all Muslims, including the family of Meisya Siregar and Bebi Romeo. Various positive activities have become the daily routine of this 42-year-old woman.

In addition to being more productive, this second Ramadan in the midst of a pandemic has strengthened the relationship among the members of Meisya Siregar's family. With a lot of time spent together at home, the full name owner of Meisya Najelina Siregar seems inseparable from her family.

"Alhamdulillah, productive Ramadan during the pandemic. I can create the Dakwah Stripping NGOBRAZ program. I can have a religious song YA ALLAH Syabila. Alhamdulillah!!! Almost all 24 hours of free time are used for continuous worship together, reciting the Quran, performing Tarawih prayers, obligatory prayers, staying up together until dawn, watching together, exercising together, sleeping together until dawn. In short, always together with the kids, relaxing and not separating," wrote Meisya Siregar in her Instagram post.

1. No Time for Intimacy

This family togetherness apparently has an impact on the relationship between Meisya Siregar and Bebi Romeo as husband and wife. Because, the couple who have been married since 2004 have no time for intimacy.

"We can't even have some alone time now... our room is invaded, there's no privacy anymore," said Meisya Siregar, hoping that their children won't read it.

"Be patient, dear. Even the Prophet Muhammad made an effort to maintain distance from his wife during the last 10 days of Ramadan... And then he said, 'I'M JUST A HUMAN BEING...!!! Even taking a shower is AHHHHH!!!'" she concluded.

2. Ramadan in the Midst of Pandemic

Ramadan in the midst of the past two years' pandemic indeed feels different, especially with the regulation of not going back to hometowns. Well, to end the pandemic soon and so we can all gather with family in our hometowns, don't forget to always #RememberMother'sAdvice. By always wearing a mask, washing hands with soap, and maintaining distance, you can help reduce the spread of Covid-19. Stay happy and healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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