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Rifat Sungkar Shopping Alone Before Eid, Disciplined in Wearing a Mask While in the Supermarket

Rifat Sungkar Shopping Alone Before Eid, Disciplined in Wearing a Mask While in the Supermarket Rifat Sungkar & Sissy Prescillia © Santoso - Rifat Sungkar shares his activities before Eid on his personal Instagram account. It turns out that the 42-year-old racer has an unusual obligation at the end of the holy month of Ramadan, which is to shop alone at the supermarket.

"Every year, when I start shopping alone at the supermarket, it's usually approaching Eid. Why is that? Does anyone know?" writes Rifat Sungkar in the caption of his post.

In addition to his unusual activities, Rifat Sungkar can be seen diligently implementing health protocols while in public spaces. While choosing the items to be bought from the shelves, the son of the legendary motorcycle racer Helmy Sungkar still wears a mask properly and maintains distance.

1. Wife is Busy

In his post, Rifat Sungkar did not forget to tag his wife, Sissy Prescillia. Shortly after the post was uploaded, Rifat Sungkar's question was immediately answered by the person concerned.

"Because... His wife is still busy. Her husband is no longer busy. So it's her turn..." replied Sissy Prescillia in the comment section.

2. Safe and Enjoyable Shopping

In the midst of this pandemic, shopping at the supermarket alone can be a fun activity after staying at home for a long time. However, don't forget to always #RememberMother'sMessage. By always wearing a mask, washing hands with soap, and maintaining distance, you can help reduce the spread of Covid-19 so that this pandemic can end soon. Stay happy and healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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