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Tata Janeeta Still Meets Ahmad Dhani Because of 'Respect', Maia Estianty: Good, Don't Be Like 'Onoh'

Tata Janeeta Still Meets Ahmad Dhani Because of 'Respect', Maia Estianty: Good, Don't Be Like 'Onoh' ©Instagram/tatajaneetaofficial/maiaestiantyreal - As one of the artists who used to be under Republik Cinta Management, Tata Janeeta apparently still often visits Ahmad Dhani's residence. She stated that she feels indebted to the frontman of Dewa 19 band.

Although she is no longer under the same agency, Tata still respects Maia Estianty's ex-husband. She revealed this in one of the videos uploaded on the ALELDUL FAM TV YouTube channel last August.

1. Still 'Respect'

Tata Janeeta revealed that she still often visits Ahmad Dhani's residence. She also expressed that she only wants to maintain good relations with both parties, whether it's Dhani or Maia.

"Well, Mom taught me. From the beginning, I said, 'Mom, Mas Dhani opened the way for me, no matter what, I will always respect Mas Dhani'. And Mom said, 'Good, don't be like those who are ungrateful', right?" Tata said in the video.

2. Having Etiquette

Hearing that, Maia laughed and questioned Tata's statement. She asked who Tata was referring to. Unfortunately, Tata didn't want to mention who she was referring to in her statement.

Furthermore, Tata admitted that she still has manners. That's why she doesn't want to sever her good relationship with Dhani, who has paved the way for her in the entertainment industry.

"Well, I know myself. Even when I have a relationship, I ask for permission, 'Mom, I'm close to Bun now. I need permission, Mom'. That's me, I have etiquette," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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