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The Swab Test Results of the late Ade Firman Hakim Have Been Released, Declared Negative for Covid-19

The Swab Test Results of the late Ade Firman Hakim Have Been Released, Declared Negative for Covid-19 Ade Firman Hakim © Utama Putra - Ade Firman Hakim was rushed to RSUD Tarakan, in the Gambir area of Central Jakarta, on Saturday night (12/9/2020) due to a deteriorating condition. Before being admitted, he underwent a rapid test and the result was non-reactive.

On Sunday and Monday, the 31-year-old actor underwent a swab test. However, before knowing the results, Ade was confirmed to have passed away on Monday afternoon at 17.20 WIB.

1. Not Because of Covid-19

Previously, the family represented by the younger brother named Dai Tirta revealed that Ade Firman Hakim allegedly died due to being exposed to covid-19. However, that answer was later clarified that the RATU ILMU HITAM actor passed away due to a history of asthma and spots on the lungs.

"No, it's not because of that (exposure to Covid-19). Coincidentally, my brother has severe asthma, so that's where the drop is," said Dai Tirta when contacted by phone on Tuesday (15/9/2020).

2. Swab Test Result

Finally, the swab test result of Ade Firman Hakim is out. Rully Loebies, the manager, said that the result is negative.

"Two swab tests on the 12th and 13th, and both results are negative. The most important thing is that Ade Firman Hakim is now at peace there. Please pray for the best for him," said Rully when contacted via WhatsApp message, Friday (18/8/2020).


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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