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This is the reason why Ashanty still hasn't allowed Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar to get married

This is the reason why Ashanty still hasn't allowed Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar to get married Ashanty and Aurel Hermansyah (credit: Special) - Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar are not only rumored to be dating, but also getting married soon. Aurel and Atta may not want to call their relationship dating, but they admit to being serious.

This marriage news was asked by Tya Ariestya in her vlog to Aurel's parents, Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty. When answering, it was Ashanty who gave her opinion.

"Only the mother can answer," said Anang, making his wife laugh.

1. Aurel's Desire to Get Married Young

Before discussing Aurel and Atta, Ashanty explained that their daughter has always wanted to get married at a young age. Ashanty then explained about Aurel's desire.

"Aurel wants to get married young not just because of meeting Atta. She has wanted it for three years now. Why does she want to get married young? She wants to live with us. Because she wants to have children in the future, at the same age as me and her, not too far apart. So she can confide in me, be a friend, be a mother, be everything. That's what she has wanted all along," said Ashanty.

2. Afraid of Getting Shocked

Ashanty explained that Aurel didn't want to get married young at first. But suddenly the desire came back when Aurel got close to Atta Halilintar.

"Then Atta's family doesn't have anyone dating. If this is it, then it's ta'aruf, they said. With their closeness, maybe I will be shocked with other shocks," said Ashanty.

3. Not Getting Married Young

The shock that Ashanty is referring to could be suddenly receiving news that Aurel wants to get married at a young age. From here, Ashanty starts to feel burdened if Aurel gets married soon.

"On one side, getting married at a young age is not as easy as it seems. Honestly, I'm still not ready to lose her. Suddenly, my child is back home when we used to always be like this. But on the other side, every time I pray, 'Oh God, if someday my child finds her soulmate, then it's her destiny', well, that's it," said Ashanty.

4. Ashanty's Hopes for Aurel's Soulmate

So, is Atta the soulmate that Ashanty is referring to? She doesn't reject the idea. However, she just wants whoever becomes Aurel's husband in the future to not separate her from her daughter.

"Yes, anyone can be her soulmate. Whether it's this one (Atta) or anyone else, I can't resist it. As long as the child is willing, the man is responsible, of the same religion, and doesn't distance her from the family," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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